Thursday, September 5, 2019

we're just moments

aug 26 - sept 1

On Monday, we decided to write letters to my grandparents for FHE, and then we actually called my grandma because it was her birthday. She won't get the letters for another few days, so it will still be plenty fun for her :)

On Tuesday, I went with Rosa (from Nicaragua, getting ready to go on a mission) to get her wisdom teeth out, mostly to be a translator. It was SO fast. That's really the only noteworthy thing about it. She was done in less than an hour. I swear it took several to get mine out. Maybe I'm remembering wrong. 
That night I was filling in for Nascha at ward council, so the boys watched a movie in the nursery while Jeremy and I were both in the meeting. The boys actually just sat and watched the movie and didn't destroy the nursery like they usually end up doing. That was nice :)

On Wednesday, we met Jeremy at work to share some popsicles. He'd heard back from a job that he wasn't offered, and it wasn't exactly a sad day, but not really a high. Popsicles helped.

On Thursday, I went to another salon and got my hair cut again. I hated my hair cut from a couple of weeks ago and hadn't quite gotten over it, and finally decided I would just go even shorter, which probably doesn't make a lot of sense, but. I was a lot happier with the pixie cut than I was with the cut before. That night we had some friends over for dinner. We met them through some friends in the English branch, and it finally worked out for them to come over for dinner. We had a great time. 

 Obviously the best before and after you can imagine. I couldn't resist.

Sometime last week, I finally bought tickets to go to the Lisbon temple dedication. I was kind of waiting to hear from my mission companion that I was planning on staying with, we very slowly went back and forth about details, and finally I just bought them. I got up really early Friday morning and flew to Madrid, then Lisbon. Monica, my companion, was still working when I landed, so her mom and her friend came to pick me up, people I've never met before, and I look a little different than I did as a missionary. They did manage to find me, and we went straight to the temple open house. It was beautiful. We spent an hour or so there, and then Monica's mom and I went to get lunch while we waited for her friend to get her nails done - one of the things that I learned only after I'd found my tickets was that Monica had a wedding that weekend, and not just to swing by but one that she was part of the event planning for. So it wasn't the greatest timing, but it worked out fine for me. My legs got really swollen on the plane, and it took several days for the swelling to go down, so on Friday and Saturday, I was either present for some of the event stuff they were doing and sitting with my feet propped up or sitting at their house with my feet propped up. Less touristy than I was hoping for, but I was also exhausted, so even without the wedding, I can't imagine I would've done a whole lot more than I did anyway. Monica and I did just talk a ton. To the point that one time while she was trying to gather some stuff to run out the door, Monica's mom was like, "You guys talk too much! Pack up first, talk later!" Fortunately her mom doesn't actually hate me.

Jeremy worked from home on Friday to take care of the boys, but Berlin had a field trip to the boulder gym that he was so excited about, so Jeremy and Oslo took Berlin to kita, and they hung out for a little bit until Berlin was done and they headed home. Jeremy said he actually got plenty of work done, and they had a great time. They watched Space Jam that night. The next day they played at the castle park and watched Road Runner cartoons and ran some errands after nap time that took them to the area of Berlin we left in May, and they all had a great time.

On Sunday the boys went to church, the little boys were very well behaved while Jeremy did tithing, and they went home and tried not to melt, the heat was so crazy. They skyped with Kiersten and Grandma, and then they called me and I got to hear about their weekend and introduce them to Monica and her mom. We'd gone to church and then drove around their city to give me a little bit of a touristy experience, and then we were at home to eat a late lunch when I skyped with the boys. Monica and her mom were so thrilled to see my family. Afterwards, we drove back to the temple, getting there right before they were closing the grounds, but they did let us stay for a little while to take lots of pictures. Then on the drive home we skyped with one of our investigators who had joined the church, been sealed to his spouse, and is currently serving as the bishop of his ward. Pretty sure ALL of us were crying at some point during that conversation. It was just such a good weekend. We stayed up way too late talking for me to have to leave for the airport at 4AM, but hey, it was a quick trip. I didn't expect to sleep much :)

[title from never know by jack johnson]

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