Friday, January 4, 2013

being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up

So I turned 24 yesterday. Hooray. I mean, besides the fact that I got several reminders of how much closer I am to the end of my life.

Thanks guys.

But seriously, so many people did such a wonderful job of making it a much better day than I could have imagined. Mostly because I've developed a sinus infection, so my initial response to the day starting was to roll over and go back to sleep for the rest of forever.

Jeremy asked me a few days ago what I wanted to do for my birthday. Because I've been sick, very few activities sounded like they were in my range of doable. I didn't know what to tell him. When I woke up Thursday morning, long after he'd gone to work, there was a birthday present sitting on the bed next to me and a note on the door telling me not to worry about dinner.

By the time I'd finally managed to get out of bed and showered there was a knock at my door. A couple of my friends sang "happy birthday"and brought cards and chocolate. Just what you need when you're sick, right?

My sister called exactly as I walked back into the house, and not even ten minutes after I got off the phone with her, more of my friends showed up to take me to lunch. It was mostly just fun to chat with them and ask them how their holidays had gone, but I started a slow decline by the time we started eating. When I got home from lunch, I thought I could finish getting ready for the day and spend the afternoon getting a few hours in at work. Instead, I ended up curled up on the bed watching TV show episodes wishing my head would stop throbbing. I texted Jeremy, "I know what I want to do for my birthday." "Um okay..." "Can we go to the doctor?" "Um sure? Are you pregnant?" I almost died laughing. Birthday surprise! "This would be a terrible way to tell you, wouldn't it?"

So when he got home from work we went to the doctor. We'd never been to this doctor, and so I started to give him all my information. Name, address, phone number. "Birth date?" I told him. "Oh... happy birthday...." "Yeah..."

It was a quick appointment. Apparently it doesn't take long to diagnose a sinus infection. But then we had to go to the pharmacy to get antibiotics and then to the grocery store for all the other things a sick person needs.

We came home and I laid on the bed after ingesting the newly bought drugs. My body was just not up for it being my birthday. I turned on a TV show and curled up in a ball. Jeremy made us dinner (which was delicious and he'll be guest posting on my cooking blog), wine glasses and everything, and we snuggled and watched I don't even know how many episodes while I whined about how my face hurt. And he was happy to just hold me and let me complain.

He really loves me.

All things considered, it was a pretty dang good birthday. 

[title from here in this diary by the ataris]

1 comment:

J. Guest said...

I had trouble reading this with the laundromat background. Change the background.

Also, congratulations on the pregnancy!