Wednesday, December 18, 2013

someone please save us

This past semester was my last one at BYU as an undergrad. I finished up all of my required coursework this past April, and since I only had my internship left, I applied for graduation in December and decided to walk with the class of 2013. My mom and Rick came, we made an event out of it, and we had a fun little weekend.

April 2013- My mom texted me this picture. Which is a picture of Rick's camera display. 
How on earth Rick got that close I'll never know.

So since I was finishing up an internship and only needed 4 credit hours from that, I decided to take a full course-load of classes because I had the time, and why not take some fun classes that I had never had room for? (For example, the sewing class)

It was a fun semester. Nothing too crazy, never really stressing about anything, just a good, fun way to end.

Last week, I turned in my final project for my last class, my internship notebook/portfolio/whatever you want to call it. It was 3:30 in the afternoon, the notebook was due by 5, and I was happy to be getting it in not in a scramble to make it to the office at 4:59. The office where the notebooks were turned in had a big container of hot cider for anyone that came in, so I filled up a styrofoam cup, walked out of the office, and sat down in the first chair I came to, staring out the window just waiting for that cup of cider to cool off.

Just some trees at sunset. You know, a good scenery for being reflective.
This is kind of what I saw when I looked out the window, starting to pretend to be reflective.
But as it turns out, this pic is as out of place as my reflective mood. I was looking out a window in Provo. At 3:30. In December. This picture was taken in Sanford, CO. At sunset. Last January.

I remember thinking, "I'm finished. That's it. There's my degree. I should feel relieved, shouldn't I? It's over, I'm finished, it's great timing because I have my degree and my internship is over and I had great experience and now our baby's going to be born and and and and..."

I finished my cup of hot cider, about 3 minutes after I sat down, and it was almost like as I finished the cup of cider, I stomped on that thought process. "Yep. It is great. And now it's done. Next?"

I laughed at myself later. I really am grateful I'm finished, and I'm grateful for the experiences I've had. But, evidently, I don't see it as a giant milestone in my life. You know, a degree, it's just what you do, right? Now what?

August 2013, 
right about the time my baby stomach started to show and Jeremy and I started our contest of 
"how long will my stomach to be bigger than yours." In case you were wondering, it took me a little while to win.

Now we start a new program: raising a kid. But if raising a kid is anything like school (in the "I don't really know what I'm doing" and kind of eventually getting the hang of not really ever knowing what your doing but winging it a lot of the time and getting really great at making stuff up kind of way)... I think we'll be okay.

Best 12-year-old birthday party I've ever been to. Thanks Joey!

1 comment:

ajensen said...

All great pictures and you are just going to be a fun mom just like your mom.

I can't wait to see you....someday.

What are your next plans as far as living? Staying there?