Tuesday, October 1, 2019

and every angle's covered with just another band-aid

Sep 23 - 29

Here's the link to our 2018 slideshow! (which we worked on a lot this week)


On Monday, the boys went back to Legoland. Berlin was SO excited. They ran around until the park closed, when they headed back to the airport to wait for their flight - they didn’t get home until almost midnight. Oslo and I had plans to visit a farm, but he ended up taking a four-hour nap and woke up with his cough worse than before, so we opted to just kick it at home.

The house where they stayed had a lot of Legos too. 
Berlin usually didn't want to leave because he wanted to keep playing. 

Jeremy had to get up early on Tuesday to catch a train to the Adidas headquarters for a work presentation. He was there overnight and came home Wednesday evening. Oslo and I took Berlin to kita and then just stayed at a playground for a couple of hours until just after lunch, when we picked up Berlin and we went home so everybody could take naps. I had to be at ward council that evening, so we took dinner and a movie to keep the boys entertained. Only my computer died just a few minutes into the start of the movie, and I hadn’t brought the cord thinking my computer had been charged enough. So the boys entertained themselves by totally destroying the nursery. The entire cupboard of books and puzzles, drawers full of markers and papers and trains and blocks, all completely emptied and scattered around the nursery. It’s almost impressive how much of a mess they made. I wasn’t impressed then though, mostly furious, and we started cleaning up when the rest of the members of the ward council, who were ready to leave (and were the only ones with keys), came in and just started helping us clean up. I was so mad. Grateful for help, of course, but so irritated that we needed help. We got home and the boys went straight to bed, and were unconscious, in less than 20 minutes after being home. It was really good for all of us to go to bed.


Wednesday was much better, but really rainy. Oslo and I dropped Berlin off at kita and then wandered around running as many errands as we could without venturing too far from Berlin’s kita. We picked him up right after lunch and everybody, again, crashed hard when we got home. After naps, we ventured out to get Berlin some winter boots (and adventure that took roughly two hours on a bus, fortunately we packed library books) and the boys were just getting ready for bed when Jeremy got home.

On the way to pick up Berlin from kita on Thursday, Oslo’s little bike collapsed as we were crossing the street. That was fun. Apparently a screw fell out and suddenly he was holding his handlebars and the front wheel was on the ground. Fortunately I had a bobbpy pin and a pipe cleaner to piece it back together. We went to Jeremy’s office to pick up plastic bottles, but the door was locked, and in the 15 minutes we waited for Jeremy, the boys both came completely undone. We skipped pfand for the day, I gave Jeremy a grocery list, and the boys went home and went to bed. Evidently we’ve just all been exhausted this week.

On Friday, it rained for a lot of the day. There was only one other person in Jeremy’s office, so he left early and picked Berlin up from kita before he came home and finished working. The boys ended up in bed pretty early again, and Jeremy and I started cutting out t-shirts for his Not Sponsored quilt and watching movies. I think we actually went to bed at midnight and had cut out all of the shirts we needed AND watched two movies.

Saturday morning, we had a really slow start to the day. There was some Lego building and playing with cars and breakfast at some point, but Oslo went down for a nap at like 11:30 and I shortly followed. Jeremy and Berlin went to run some errands, and when they got back we all went to the church for Bishop and his wife’s combined 40th birthday party (their birthdays are 3 days apart). It was fun, and I especially loved it because one of Bishop’s wife’s friends is Mary Cox from our Oxford ward, so she flew in for the party and I got to catch up with her. We stopped at a grocery store on the way home, and then after the boys went to bed we watched a 1976 Gene Wilder movie that was weird.

On Sunday morning, I slept through my alarm and Jeremy had forgotten to set his, and we got up really late. Especially late for a day that the Berlin Marathon is interrupting normal public transportation. We scrambled out the door and made it as far as we could until the public transportation stopped, and then we got on electric scooters, me with Berlin and Jeremy with Oslo. I wish we had thought/had time to take a picture, we had to have looked so ridiculous (especially me trying to keep Berlin’s head from bouncing into my giant belly). We were a couple of minutes late to church, but we did make it in one piece (and considering how late we got up/left, making it by the opening hymn wasn’t too awful). Because of the training meeting during second hour, the nursery (all two kids) combined with the primary, so Oslo and Berlin were in Primary together. And were wild. It may have had something to do with the fact that there were only a couple of adults in the room with these children, but I hope it’s not a preview of what we can expect in January…

We had a ward lunch after church, and then we came home and took long naps. Afterwards, the boys played with Legos while I made dinner, and I’m pretty sure we all went to bed late.

It was really cute that Oslo was coloring so nicely, 
but also there was this drunk/crazy guy siting next to him that was stressing me out.

Berlin's super cool hair, and actually seeing his blitz in a picture is cool

[title from falling out by relient k]

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