Thursday, October 10, 2019

maybe when I'm not so tired

Sep 30 - Oct 6

Monday started week-long rain. Seriously. Off and on all day but never off long enough to do much. Jeremy left work a bit early and picked up Berlin before he came home to finish working. We found an awesome space shuttle set of Legos on ebay kleinanzeigen, and the boys picked it up before they came home. Oslo and I spent the day doing laundry and cleaning in between napping and reading books.

On Tuesday, Oslo and I left not too long after the boys to go to a doctor’s appointment, a little bit of a weird one because I didn’t ever actually see the doctor, which was a first. Just vitals and listening to the heartbeat and monitoring for contractions before the nurses said everything was fine and they’ll see me next week. But it still meant we were there til after noon. We went and picked up Berlin, then headed to Jeremy’s office to pick up bottles, and while it was raining a bit when we got to Jeremy’s office, it was pouring about ten minutes later. We were there just long enough for it to let up a little. We stayed at Jeremy’s office so long that we ended up skipping naps and running errands instead. We found a Lego magazine that Jeremy wanted, but he only wanted it for the Lego bullet bike that came with it, which had been torn out of the one copy we found. Fortunately, there were more at the store across the street, so we just tormented Jeremy with the magazine missing the Legos. The boys went to bed shortly after we (finally) got home, and I think I fell asleep shortly afterwards. I was out when Jeremy got home from bishopric meeting.

On Wednesday it was still duck weather, and I had an appointment to register at the hospital at 8AM. Oslo and I trekked out into the rain and made it, mostly dry, to fill out all the paperwork. Then I met with a doctor who wanted to do an ultrasound to make sure the baby was doing fine, and we learned that the baby is currently 6.5 pounds. 4 weeks before my due date. Yikes.

Then we raced to the grocery store (and on the way a nice lady stopped us and gave us a Playmobil toy from BVG, the transportation company here, which was cool of her), picked up a wagon-ful of groceries, then, groceries in tow, raced to get Berlin. I realized on Monday that Wednesday was the last day to register Berlin for school (for NEXT year) and I realized it too late on Monday and Tuesday it wasn’t possible with my doctor’s appointment (not a giant window of time to do it each of the days they’re open). We had about two hours from leaving the grocery store to pick up Berlin and be back at the school (and run home, not to drop off groceries, but to pick up all the paperwork we needed, but nice that I didn’t have to drag the groceries with us to the school either). We did make it, happily. He’s registered for school next fall, which should probably be relieving. That night we had the missionaries and Britta Leben over for dinner, and Britta stayed after the missionaries left, and we stayed up talking to her til probably midnight.

Thursday was a holiday and we just… chilled. I slept in til 9:30 or 10, we ate breakfast, and then we went through Berlin’s clothes - he’s been wearing far too many belly shirts recently, so we retired quite a few. Then after naps, Jeremy and Berlin looked at Legos while I started sewing Jeremy’s blanket. The boys watched Lego Jurassic World that night - they LOVE the stop motion videos.

Friday was also a sort of “bridge day” which meant that Berlin didn’t have kita, but Jeremy did have work, although no one was going to be in the office because everybody worked from home. I took the boys to the park and when we got home we all fell asleep, which meant Jeremy could focus better that day than probably any other “work from home” day :) Thursday night I broke my last sewing machine needle, so after naps, I ran to the closest store that was still going to be open (roughly an hour away, blech) to get needles while the boys made dinner and watched another Lego movie. They were already in bed when I got home, but didn’t fall asleep until after we went to bed. I worked on Jeremy’s blanket a bit more before we went to bed much earlier than usual, which was great - the boys finally stopped making noise after all of the lights were off.

On Saturday, the boys woke up really early and were ready for naps really early - we ate breakfast, and I think they went down for naps at like 10:30. I finished sewing Jeremy’s quilt while he ran to the grocery store, and when he got back, he and Berlin went to the church to set up the broadcast stuff for conference while Oslo and I went for a walk and made dinner. The boys got home JUST in time for the first session to start. We made some Bingo boards and had the boys play Conference Bingo, and especially since there were Halloween candy prizes involved, it was pretty effective for Berlin. He did a really good job paying attention for the full two hours. Oslo didn't really get it, ate all of his cheerios off of his board when I tried to help him place them, and we just gave him a piece of candy every time Berlin got five in a row. Oslo was pretty quiet doing that too, so it was still effective. Since the second session doesn’t start until 10PM here, we went to bed. We got up today and watched the Saturday afternoon session, then I watched the Women’s session, and then after the boys napped we watched the Sunday morning session when it started. We didn’t eat dinner first, so the boys didn’t end up going to bed until about 9, but I was falling asleep in my chair at the table - we’ll watch the Sunday afternoon session later this week.

Jeremy gave Oslo a new haircut at some point. 
It's pretty cool.

[title from punk rock princess by something corporate]

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